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Kalle Dramstad, Author at Movendi International
If your tournament will be a Pro Clubs event, it must be an online-only event and may not use any real-world clubs or leagues without express written permission from each of those entities. Qatar Airways will not consider association with, or sponsorship of, activities related to politics, religious affairs, extreme sports (i.e. wrestling and boxing), unfair competition, explicit content or images, negative behaviour, or any event or activity taking place less than 12 weeks from the time the proposal is submitted. FIFA World Cup 2018 is due to kick-off in Russia on June 14 with the hosts going against Saudi Araba in the Group A. Brands and businesses around the world are already in full gear to leverage this most coveted spectacle of world sport through various marketing campaigns, brand activations and TVCs that will strike the screens during the month-long broadcast of 64 matches. The world soccer federation FIFA has an (image) problem: Several sponsorship partners still on board in Brazil in 2014 are no longer in on the party for the World Cup in Russia (June 14 to July 15).
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